Gitcoin Grantee Marketing Toolkit
Gitcoin Grantee Marketing Toolkit

Gitcoin Grantee Marketing Toolkit

This marketing toolkit and guide was designed to help you make sense of all the marketing pieces you need supports a successful Quadratic Funding grants round!
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Participating in this season’s Gitcoin Grants 23? (April 2 - April 16). Find MARKETING ASSETS HERE. ✨Find Gitcoin Logos here.

TL;DR on GG23

  • Any and all feedback is always welcome
  • To direct your community to donate to your grant, the link to the round will be live once the round goes live.
  • Changes to a grant can be made at any time in Builder, but only one application to each round per project will be possible. (Once a grant applies for a round, there will be no way to change the grant proposal. But you will be able to preview the grant in Builder before you apply!)

Hot tips for your round marketing strategy

Whether you’re a big team or a team of one, there are some things you need to know in order to make your Quadratic Funding round a success. In marketing your round, you need to keep two key things top of mind: DONOR (i.e., community) ENGAGEMENT, AND engaging with and supporting OTHER GRANTEES!

Tips for grants success

Understand Quadratic Funding how it works

Learn more

Give to get

It’s also about generosity: Be sure to give to other projects and also retweet content. John Ellison, ReFi DAO

Top recipient of matching funds for at least the last two Climate Solutions rounds

Your goal:

Attract as many people as possible to participate in and donate to your round

You can do this through:


Leveraging your most reliable communications channels. Twitter? Absolutely. Lens? Why not? Email? No brainer. Bonus: Do a bit of analytics research to learn where you usually get the most traction with your community and go to town.


Asking for community support to amplify your messages. What’s better than a couple of RTs? A community of people spreading the word and inviting their frens to donate! The trick is to make it simple. We recommend creating and circulating a doc or an email outlining how your community can amplify your message. Get detailed, create a helpful launch doc like this one by Giveth that gives people a clear picture of what and how they should be communicating.


Support your community in contributing to your grant. The most effective grantees in a round know how to activate their networks and invite all of their frens to support them. We also recommend that you connect with other grantees during the round. A Gitcoin, we run a few Grantee Twitter Spaces that give grantees a chance to pitch their project to the wider community and get more exposure during a round.

Ensure that donors know how to do the basics

A helpful tip is to ensure that donors know how to do the basics, such as creating/having a web3 wallet! Here are some useful articles that you can share:

  1. Visual Content: Use eye-catching graphics, videos, and infographics to explain your project. Visuals are powerful tools for communication and engagement.
  2. Pin the link to your grant to your Twitter profile so that it’s easy for your community to find it!

Why people donate

For a more detailed analysis on the following, check out our Donor Audience Profile that compiles Gitcoin’s research on Donors to Quadratic Funding Rounds

Gitcoin is still undergoing donor audience research but our preliminary findings show that donors typically donate to a grants round for a mix of the following reasons:

  • They are friends with a grantee in the round
  • They care/are invested in the given ecosystem’s growth
  • They care about a specific cause being worked on by a specific grantee or entire ecosystem
  • They want to get involved with promising projects at its early stages as they see a potential investment opportunity
  • They want a public record/signal of support/make a general impact
  • Airdrop farming*

*Take special care with making promises to donors around potential airdrops (this includes NFTs, POAPs, etc.). This marketing tactic can increase the chance of Sybil attacks (fake accounts run by the same person to reap more rewards) and will detract from the main objective of a QF round: having real community members contribute and decide on how to best allocate your funds to incentivize ecosystem growth. It is also against our quid pro quo policy.

Getting Tactical: Marketing tactics to consider for your plan

With your strategic fundamentals in place, let’s get to the actual tactics.

Note: We’ve designed this tactics list to support you during the GG23, but there are still some helpful suggestions and templates that will support any grantee to effectively market your grant.

Best Practices

  • Keeping your community engaged throughout the grants round is very important. It shows that you care and it creates a hype around what you’re doing!
  • Make sure to stay up to date with the latest and update your community accordingly. For example:
    • One resource for finding the latest updates & events is to bookmark the Gitcoin Community Hub’s Grantee Portal.
    • Key dates and documents
  • Be sure to tag @Gitcoin in your GG23-related tweets. Please also use the dedicated round hashtag: #GG23.

We recommend that you think about your marketing plan in three separate phases:



Phase 1: Pre-Round

Objective: Increase awareness of your round within your ecosystem’s audience and the broader Gitcoin Grants audience.

Discovery (once you’ve been confirmed!)

Objective: Promote more widely to gain community interest (& beyond!)


Impact Highlight

Announcement of Round participation





Twitter / Email / Blog

Twitter / Email


Discovery (cont)

Objective: Build hype and get participants ready to donate.


Announce Kickoff Date & Upcoming events
Highlight your grant

Update your website to feature your grant in the round






Blog / Twitter / Email

Twitter / Event / Email



2 Days Before - Discovery

Objective: Building anticipation and getting supporters ready to donate


Kickoff Date Reminder




Twitter / Email


Phase 2: In-Round First Day & Beyond

First Day of Grants Round

During the round, promotion can get exhausting so be sure to have a plan that includes some time off. During past rounds, the beginning and ending of the round is when we often see the most donations and events so plan your time accordingly. One way to engage with other grantees is to schedule a Twitter Space and invite other projects to participate. You can also watch the Grantee Portal for more opportunities like all day Give-a-Thons for opportunities to shill your project and support other grantees. Be sure to keep retweeting info on projects you are supporting in the round and consider starting or joining a grantee community to help each other throughout the round.


Launch week events






Ongoing throughout the Grants Round


Submit Retweet Requests

RT Daily Round Metrics Tweets
Grantee Shilling Hour Twitter Spaces








Twitter / Event


Last Day of Grants Round

It’s important to stay updated and aligned with the countdown of the grants round! Remember, only donations during the round will count toward the QF matching pool so be sure to watch the clock and know when the round closes!


Remind supporters of last day to donate




Twitter / Email


Phase 3: Post-Round

Gitcoin will also be publishing end-of-round results and metrics so ff to RT/QT to collaboratively celebrate the round! Make sure to keep an eye on our Twitter.


Week after Grants Round

Finale Event

Wrap up Posts

Round Performance Metrics

Internal Retro












Example Content

AWESOME Grantee content from past rounds

Current round

Example Posts


Grantee Showcase Blog Posts

Example Tweets


Grantee Marketing

