PGN Onboarding Guide

Here is the step-by-step guide for bridging funds to Public Goods Network

Step 1: Ensure You Have PGN

Before you can bridge funds to PGN, make sure you have PGN tokens in your wallet. If you don't have PGN, you can add them to your wallet using the following methods:

Method 1: Using

a. Visit

b. Connect your Ethereum wallet to the platform.

c. Look for "PGN" (PublicGoodsNetwork) and add it to your wallet.

Method 2: Manual Addition

a. Configure your wallet to use PGN by adding the RPC server. Use this URL:

b. Ensure that the network currency is set to "ETH."

Step 2: Bridging Funds to PGN

Now that you have PGN in your wallet, you can proceed to bridge funds to PGN using the following methods:

Bridging from Ethereum Mainnet:

a. Visit the website.

b. Follow the instructions on the website to bridge your funds from Ethereum Mainnet to PGN.

c. Please note that when withdrawing funds from PGN, there is a 7-day waiting period. If you want instant withdrawals, consider using Layerswap.

Bridging from an L2 (Layer 2):

a. Visit the Layerswap website at

b. Follow the instructions on the Layerswap platform to bridge your funds from your L2 to PGN.

c. Using Layerswap for withdrawals will also result in instant transfers to other networks.

Step 3: Supported Tokens on PGN

Please be aware that PGN currently only supports two tokens, which are DAI and ETH. Ensure that the funds you are bridging are one of these two cryptocurrencies.

That's it! You have successfully bridged funds to PublicGoodsNetwork (PGN) using the provided methods. Make sure to follow the specific instructions on the websites mentioned, and double-check your transactions to ensure accuracy and security.

Please note that you need to use your single sig wallet as your payout wallet when you apply for a grant to any round on PGN as PGN currently doesn’t support Safe multisig.

How to Submit an application?

Step 1: Discover the Round you want to apply to on Gitcoin Grants Page

Start by browsing through the available Gitcoin rounds to find the one that best aligns with your project’s goals. Once you are curious about a round and hit ‘Apply’, you can find the details of that round at Gitcoin Explorer. Eg

Review the eligibility criteria for the selected round to ensure your project qualifies.

Step 2: Update Your Chapter Information (if applicable)

If you have already created a project page for your project, make sure to read through the application criteria for the round you want to apply for and update your project information accordingly. You can do this on the Gitcoin Builder platform.

Note that while you can create your project profile page/application on any available blockchain, you will need to submit your application on the blockchain where the round is running. For the GG19 Community + Education and Open Source Software round, this is PGN. If you need assistance with bridging to PGN, refer to the previous guide on bridging funds to PGN.

Please note that you need to use your single sig wallet as your payout wallet as PGN currently doesn’t support Safe multisig.

Step 3: Apply to the Round

Visit the round's page on Gitcoin Explorer. For example, you can find the GG19 Web3 Community and Education round here

Click the "Apply" button, and you will be redirected to the Gitcoin Builder platform where you will be prompted to switch the network and be on the one where round is happening. For GG19, Web3 Community and Education and OSS sre happening on PGN.

If you already have a project page set up, select it and click "Edit" to update it. If you need to create a new project page, select "New Project" on

Fill out all the required information, ensuring that your application clearly meets the round's requirements. This makes it easier for the grant reviewers to identify that you qualify for the round.

After creating or editing your project's page, apply to the round. For this, make sure you have sufficient funds on PGN.

Click "Apply," fill in any new information requested, verify that all your existing information is accurate, and then click "Submit." Please note that once you submit your application, you won't be able to make any further edits, so double-check everything before submitting.

There will be a small fee in ETH to apply.

Please note that you need to use your single sig wallet as your payout wallet when you apply for a grant to any round on PGN as PGN currently doesn’t support Safe multisig.

Step 4: Monitor Your Application

After submitting your application, you will see that it's marked as "Pending." You can check the status of your application to see if it's been updated to "Accepted" or "Rejected."

If your application is rejected, you can reach out to the review team on to inquire about the reasons. Keep in mind that they might not always be able to provide detailed feedback due to the volume of applications. Ensure your application clearly meets the requirements to avoid rejections.

If your application is accepted, congratulations! You are now part of GG19.

Step 5: Promote Your Project and the Round

Once you've been accepted into GG19, it's time to promote your project and the round itself. Engage with the community and make the most of this opportunity.

That's it! You've successfully applied to a round on Gitcoin and created a project application. Good luck with your project, and don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions.

After reading this guide, if you still have any questions, you can join office hours hosted by GreenPill Network to support grantees and get your questions answered live. You will find the schedule on Gitcoin’s Grantee Portal.